Where Does Confidence Come From

Oct 2nd 2022, 7:26 am

Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recommences of reward. Hebrews 10:35 (KJV)

We all have different goals we pursue in life. And, when it comes to pursuing these goals we tend to tread cautiously because of our lack of confidence. The truth is there will be many things we will never try ( wholeheartedly) if we continue to have this cautious approach to life. We will never give that job a chance, launch that product, or do that gig.


This is where confidence comes in. Confidence Is not a skill you learn. It is a state of your mind. A state that gives you mental assurance about your creative role. When we have confidence we are able to do more of what we are capable of doing.
So, the question is where does confidence come from?  How is it generated? Now, one sure way confidence comes is by taking action. Whenever you have a creative role to play – a goal to pursue or an objective to accomplish don’t sit still on it. Take action. Create goals for this role. And, starting acting. Acting on your goals is what gives you confidence.


  • Taking Actions Gives You Clarity.

You may not have a clear-cut picture of your role until you start acting on it. And, taking necessary actions in his role is what gives this clarity. Without clarity, you are going to be hesitant. You are going to be unsure what your next action should be.
At the beginning, you may be low on confidence. But, as you start acting out your role you will start to develop familiarity with that role. You will start to know the rope and the scope. And your confidence will start going up.

The more you act the clearer this picture of your role becomes. Until you get to a point you have no inhibition about stepping out in that role.

  • Taking Actions Gives You Results.

The result means your track record, your string of successes. Certain things have gone your way.
When the article you just published has gone viral when you are closing sales left, right and centre when your ministry is doing well when things are working for you. You are going to have a kind of confidence that emanates from these successes.

Remember the story of David in the Bible. Do you know why David had so much confidence to push forward against Goliath?  His strings of successes. He had killed lions. He had killed bears. So, he had this assurance Goliath will be like one of them.

So, take action because the more result you have the more confidence you become.

  • Taking Actions Gives You Experience.

Experience comes from the things you do. And, experience gives you belief – a firm resolve you will find a way to achieve what you set out to achieve.

Belief is what lifts you above your fear and self-defeatism because it evokes in you a mental assurance in the possibility of your objective.

When you don’t have a strong mental assurance of the achievability of objectives you will never be able to use the latent and the abilities you have.

In summary, this is how confidence comes – taking action on our roles. The truth is confidence is like building muscles. The more workout you do the more your biceps get bigger. In the same way, the more you put yourself in a position where you always act on your goals the more confident you become.

With confidence, you are more likely to succeed at role, because confidence makes you think you can do something. So you are not afraid to perform at the level you are capable of. This is why you need it in your role.

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