Service: Your Ticket To Divine Surplus

Oct 2nd 2022, 7:07 am

Beloved, a good organisation takes proper care of their staff especially those who have contributed to the growth and advancement of such organisations. However, those who refuse to perform their duties as required of them will not benefit from the organisation.

In like manner, the bible tell us in Job 36:11 “If they obey and serve Him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment”, meaning God takes delight in Christians who perform their duties in the house of God and as many who walk in obedience to His word will enjoy His surplus.

The intention of God in the talents he has blessed us with, is that we yield fruits from it as we trade with them. The parable of the talents in Matt 25: 14-30 expounded more on this and we see how it ended for the servant, who went to hide his talent, even the one talent he had was taken from him, vs 29 “For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away”.

God desires that whatever He commits into our hands brings forth desirable results. We all have been given diverse abilities to uplift and build the Church. Hence, we are to invest our God given talents in His vineyard.

Here are a few remarks I want to share with you;

  1. You must possess a first-class attitude and commitment to the service of God.
  2. Serve God with a right heart.
  3. Always ask yourself the question as you render God service.  (i) Will I be satisfied and pay anyone the way am serving? (ii) With the way am serving, am I positioning myself for a promotion?

In conclusion, let me give you four things you stand to gain serving in God’s vineyard;

  1. You will receive the blessing of the Lord on your bread and water (Exodus 23:25a).
  2. You will live in good health (Exodus 23: 25b).
  3. You will be fruitful and multiply (Exodus 23: 26, John 15:2).
  4. You will have long life and fulfilment (Exodus 23:26b).

I therefore implore you to make up your mind to serve God wholeheartedly.

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